22 June 2012

A brief stop in Moelfre.
The wind has been nasty, crossing Red Wharf Bay was brutal. This morning the conditions were intimidating, this afternoon I took a battering - not a day to answer the phone.

Going to push on a little further now but options are limited - I still do not know when I'll finish. I'm scratching and fighting for each mile, constantly planning (and reviewing) on the fly.
If the wind drops it will be within a day, if it doesn't it could be any time in the next month!
From the first days of the trip the wind has made things frustrating and unpredictable, it continues to do so right until the end it appears.

Sent from my phone


Jim W said...

We can only begin to imagine how frustrating it is for you at this point.

Stay Safe


Anonymous said...

Be careful camping overnight, John. I heard the locals on that island are a rough bunch!

Best wishes,


soundoftheseagull said...

So near stay safe seas look wild

Ollie said...

Good luck but take care - make it in one piece.

barry shaw said...

Great effort and determination today John.

Anonymous said...

James W says
K1 start for tomorrow's race is at 12:35.
Sorry we cant hold the start for you but as we all know
'Time, tide, and setting resin wait for no man'

Jim Krawiecki said...

Kirstine and I are holding everything... The suspenders is killing me!

Anonymous said...

Must be so frustrating for you John, we're all thinking of you, think you have the whole UK sea kayak community on the edge of their seats, I've personally ran out of nails to bite, stay safe

Ken & Fi

Mike and Deb said...

Well done warrior - stay safe and try to enj the last few miles. You've done a cracking job. Thinking of you
Mike and Deb

Anonymous said...

Stay safe on the last leg! Inspiring performance.

Mark R

Mike said...

Waiting up to hear how you've got on, much to the wife's dismay! Good luck John, you'll have earned a rest when you're done for sure.

Anonymous said...

Rest? I heard he put in a sub one hour up the menai earlier.